5 Medical Conditions That Trigger Headaches and Nausea

5 Medical Conditions That Trigger Headaches and Nausea

5 Medical Conditions That Trigger Headaches and Nausea

Headache and nausea are common complaints. However, complaints of dizziness and nausea should not be taken lightly because they can be signs of certain medical conditions.

Headaches and nausea can often occur when you experience motion sickness , drink alcohol in excess, or experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Some of these factors are generally easy to overcome with treatment at home.

However, dizziness and nausea can also be symptoms of certain medical conditions that need to be treated by a doctor or by taking medication.

Medical Conditions That Trigger Headaches and Nausea

The following are some medical conditions that can trigger headaches and nausea:

1. Vertigo

Headaches and nausea that occur together are common in people with vertigo . Not only that, vertigo can also cause other symptoms, such as loss of balance, headache, tinnitus , and rapid and repetitive eye movements ( nystagmus ).

Although it can heal on its own and can be treated independently at home, in some cases, vertigo also needs to be treated by a doctor. Doctors may recommend vertigo medication or other medical measures.

2. Migraines

Besides being characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, migraines can also cause headaches and nausea. This condition can last for several hours or even days.

To treat headaches and nausea due to migraines, there are several types of migraine headaches that can be consumed, ranging from pain relievers, ergotamine, to sumatriptan.

3. Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar levels ( hypoglycemia ) in the body can cause various symptoms, including dizziness and nausea. This condition is more often experienced by people with diabetes due to the use of insulin or diabetes drugs that are not in accordance with the doctor's directions.

Therefore, if you are on diabetes medication, make sure to follow the dosage and time of taking medication as directed by your doctor to prevent symptoms of low blood sugar, such as pale face, tiredness, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, palpitations, and fainting.

4. Chronic kidney failure

Headache and nausea can also be symptoms of chronic kidney failure . This complaint can occur when kidney function is impaired and causes various complications, such as uremia and anemia.

Anemia is characterized by symptoms of dizziness and fatigue, while uremia is characterized by symptoms of no appetite and nausea and vomiting.

To treat headaches and nausea due to chronic kidney failure, doctors will usually carry out treatment, including prescribing medications that are appropriate to the patient's condition.

5. Brain tumor

Although rare, dizziness and nausea can be signs of a brain tumor . Tumors in any part of the brain can increase intracranial pressure and cause several symptoms, ranging from headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, to behavioral changes.

Treatment for brain tumors depends on the type, size, and location of the tumor. In many cases, brain tumors can be treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgical removal of the tumor.

The causes of headaches and nausea are very diverse. Therefore, do not delay to consult a doctor if you experience this condition in order to get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment, especially if the headache and nausea are accompanied by other symptoms, often recur, or to interfere with activities.