Drugs for Fast Menstruation Commonly Prescribed by Doctors

Drugs for Fast Menstruation Commonly Prescribed by Doctors

Drugs for Fast Menstruation Commonly Prescribed by Doctors

Medicines to speed up menstruation are usually prescribed by doctors to speed up or facilitate the menstrual cycle. This drug works by balancing hormone levels that affect the menstrual cycle. 

The normal menstrual cycle occurs between 21-35 days. However, the menstrual cycle in every woman is not the same. Women can experience irregular menstrual cycles, such as faster, slower, or missing several menstrual periods .

The causes of this irregular menstrual cycle vary from puberty, entering menopause, pregnancy, use of hormonal contraceptives, extreme weight changes, stress, to suffering from certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) .

Women who have missed 3 or more menstrual cycles in a row and are proven not to be pregnant, and are sexually active, are advised to see a doctor. The doctor will provide treatment, including determining the cause of the complaints experienced and prescribing drugs to speed up menstruation.

Various Medicines for Fast Menstruation

In addition to launching the menstrual cycle, drugs to speed up menstruation can also be used for various purposes, such as speeding up menstruation before performing religious worship or holidays.

Medications to speed up menstruation work by balancing the hormones that affect the menstrual cycle. But keep in mind, these drugs should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

The following are some drugs to speed up menstruation that are usually prescribed by doctors:

1. Progestin

Medications for rapid menstruation that contain progestins are generally prescribed by doctors to treat irregular menstrual cycles due to certain medical conditions such as PCOS. Consumption of progestins will cause changes in the uterus.

This medicine is usually taken for 10–14 days every 1-3 months. After that, progestin levels in the blood decrease and the lining of the uterus begins to shed. This drug for fast menstruation is available in various types of preparations, ranging from tablets, capsules, gels, to injections.

2. Metformin

One of the causes of irregular menstrual cycles is an imbalance of androgen hormones in a woman's body. The increase in androgen hormones is closely related to insulin resistance.

Well , giving metformin as a drug to speed up menstruation is done to increase the effectiveness of insulin, so that the levels of androgen hormones in the body become balanced and the menstrual cycle returns to normal. Metformin is available in tablets or caplets.

In addition to launching menstruation, metformin also helps reduce body mass index (BMI), testosterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH) in women with PCOS.

3. Bromocriptine

High levels of the hormone prolactin in the body can cause irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, the doctor will prescribe bromocriptine as a drug to speed up menstruation.

This drug works by blocking the release of the hormone prolactin from the pituitary gland. Bromocriptine is available in tablet form.

4. Clomiphene

Clomifene is a drug used to treat ovulation disorders. This drug to speed up menstruation can increase the levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries which are important in the ovulation process. Clomifene is usually available as a tablet.

5. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

FSH imbalance in the body can cause irregular menstrual cycles. To overcome this, doctors can give injections of follicle stimulating hormone . This drug is also often used with drugs containing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to help the ovulation process.

Complaints of late menstruation or the desire to speed up menstruation that require certain drugs need to be examined by a doctor. The doctor will conduct a series of examinations before giving the appropriate medication to speed up menstruation.

If after taking the drug to speed up menstruation, you do not experience menstruation, try to consult again with your doctor for further treatment.