Strange events on 2 January 2016-Admits the turn of the year, as always there are many predictions have sprung up. However, there is one forecast that simply attract attention, i.e. about divination that humans will float right on 2 January 2016. Is it going to happen? Check out the following facts:
1. we can float?
Many natural events occur in the world of the strange lately. But the events that will take place on 2 January 2016 will be more weird again. Maybe we had read on the internet if it were reportedly on 2 January 2016, the Earth's gravity would be reduced over the next four minutes that causes objects weighting decline partially.
Really? Find the answer at the end of this paper. Earlier we used to find out the explanation of why such forecast could appear.
According to the news circulated, the United Kingdom astronomer Patrick Moore says that right from 8:32 a.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time) on 2 January, Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, proper and precise close to Earth. This rare alignment means that the combined gravitational forces of two planets will exert a strong pull of the tides, the Earth's gravity while warding off and make people become noticeably lighter.
3. Many planets will be on the same side of the Sun
Astronomers have long been aware that there will be an alignment of planets on that date, when mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will be on the same side of the Sun, within a 95 arc width.
4. Can be tested with a small jump
In the news in circulation, Moore told the scientists if people can feel themselves the phenomenon by jumping in the air at the time the event occurred. If we do so, he is sure we will experience a strange floating sensation.
5. Fake news a.k.a hoax
News about the sensation of drifting due to the gravity of the Planet Pluto is actually fake news or hoax! It is delivered by Joe Rao a columnist who often writes articles about astronomy. This time, through the site, he said that the news story levitate sensation is false.
6. materials mostly for April Fools ' day 1976
According to his research it is the posting of April Fools ' day presented by Moore in 1976. Via radio Moore tells the story of the effects of gravity and he felt a floating sensation or experience the effects of gravity Planet, Pluto. He said that while the jump will feel the sensation of floating.
7. It's been spread over the internet
Humor was a legend and spread from one person to many people after hearing it on the radio. Now after no internet this sort of news is more quickly spread. Joe Rao stated if such false news.